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Where are we now? .... a follow up to 'Babylon is Falling'

Some of you have been asking for an update since my previous blog post, Babylon is Falling. Here it is....

Where do I begin? Let's start with the weather. Exposure is happening daily with ordinary folks now seeing how the weather is easily manipulated by governments for their own purposes, whether it be from cloud seeding, HAARP with its ionosphere manipulation, or direct energy weapons from government aircraft. A video resurfaced last week of CBS News anchor Nora O'Donnell interviewing physicist, Michio Kaku, City College NY a decade ago, who told her audience that the US government holds dozens of patents on weather manipulation, going back to the late 1800's. No doubt dozens more since then. We have all witnessed hurricanes Helene, Milton, and John recently within days of each other, not to mention the raging infernos burning in Wyoming, now scorching over 629,000 acres with no end in sight. Were these manipulated? If so, by whom and why? When the book of Revelation talks about the first half of the tribulation period being a series of devastating 'natural' events (fires burning 1/3 of the earth, 1/3 earth poisoned water, earthquakes, etc.), I had always assumed that would be from the hand of God. Never once did I think humans would do this to themselves while calling it climate change. Disclaimer... of course there are natural devastating events, but some are not so natural. In Canada in 2023, from satellite imagery, 13 fires in Quebec all started within seconds of each other. Right after, our PM went on national news to declare climate emergency. One lone man took the fall for that, Brian Pare, and pleaded guilty to 13 counts of arson. We won't talk about the fires at Lytton BC or Jasper AB and what was at stake there.... perhaps another time. My point is, much of these 'natural' disasters are not so natural... the chaos is intentionally created.

Let's explore that. Why would selective powerful governments want to bring chaos to their own countries through weather manipulation? Perhaps we can better understand this if we understand that UN-member government leaders do not govern autonomously... do not run their countries based on what is actually best for their specific country or its people, but what is best for the UN/WEF one world order Agenda 2030. Let's not kid ourselves to think otherwise.

Why would leaders of the UN/WEF want chaos? No doubt, there are probably multiple reasons for wanting chaos. Divide and conquer is the usual playbook. Pit one group against another, whether it be with racism, gender issues, religion, wars, politics, and they soon believe each other is their enemy. Our enemy is not flesh and blood, but the evil rulers and forces of darkness.

Perhaps another reason to stir up chaos is so the WEF-controlled governments can begin rebuilding from scratch according to the planned blueprint outlined in their 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030 (which look fairly reasonable at a glance, btw) - build 15-minute cities or equivalent so vehicles eventually become irrelevant, minimize single family dwellings, ending the family farms as we have known it, building smart towers for majority of humans to live in.... 24/7 surveillance, activating digital systems which have all our data in one place such as health, credit score, banking, social score, etc. The crop lands will be used at WEF/friends discretion about what humans should eat and how much. Much of the food will be grown in controlled labs, including protein (meatless). As most of you are already familiar with the WEF famous phrase... You will own nothing and be happy. The world is catching on and watching very closely the rebuilding efforts in Lahaina, Maui, after their devastating fire. We will be watching the rebuilding of these storm-ravaged areas of the recent hurricanes, as well.

What else comes with chaos? Fear. The masses are far more easy to control when they are fearful, thereby making fear-based decisions. In fearful times, the average person tends to give their power and sovereignty away to those in charge far easier than when in comfortable and peaceful times. The chaos through devastating weather brings credibility to the climate change power grab for the average unaware person. They will gladly pay more climate taxes to better the earth.... which we know does not accomplish much except lines the pockets of powerful politicians and their friends. Many unaware are quite happy to pay more taxes for climate change because, after all, they feel they are helping to save the earth. My own personal opinion is... if 8 billion people worldwide did their own little part for the environment and keep their own space around them clean and chemical-free, then this will be far more effective than giving incompetent governments the responsibility with our tax dollars.

We can be sure that more chaos will ensue when the Epstein and P. Diddy crimes against children and the client lists are exposed. What will happen when the elite client names are released of who participated in these crimes? My guess is most of these clients are society heroes, our political and business leaders, our Hollywood idols, the movers and shakers of elite society. What about the continual release of church clergy pedophile names? All the societal institutions we thought we knew can no longer be trusted. Remember, peeps, the truth will always set us free. The truth itself is not what is painful; but rather the crashing down of our illusions of what we thought was truth.... who we thought we could trust. Ouch, that hurts.

Enough about the 'bad' stuff being exposed. Is there any good that can come of all this?

YES! The good news is that people are waking up to what has been going on for decades, in some cases, centuries. Nothing will change in society unless the people demand it. The people cannot demand change for what they don't know about. That's why exposure is so powerful and why we have to see this and not turn a blind eye. To say that people will be very upset when learning the truth about the corruption, crimes/plots against humanity, is an an understatement. No doubt, people will go through a grieving process which will include shock, denial, anger, and deep sorrow.... perhaps not even being sure where to direct their anger.... because they themselves were bamboozled. Our human ego often likes to blame others for our own decisions made based on what we believed was truth. We know it is easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled, so a lot of human pride will surface.. We have to suck it up, peeps. The day of reckoning is coming. At some point, all of us will have to take 100% accountability for putting our trust in the powerful, those who we believed 'know' better than us. When we begin to take responsibility for our own choices, only then can we take our power back. As long as we continue to blame, they will continue to hold our power. To be empowered to make change, we must take ownership for our choices. Be a self-thinker... follow our gut, our inner knowing. We must stand strong and uphold our values.

Update on BRICS nations - Thirty countries have confirmed their participation in the BRICS summit this month in Russia. This means that 30 countries are getting their financial ducks in a row, gearing up for asset/gold-backed economies, God's money. Some of these countries already no longer trade with the fiat currencies of the G7 nations. What does this mean for the people of the BRICS countries? Stronger economies, more prosperity for all. As the corrupt fiat currencies fall (air-backed currencies, printed at will) as a result as the rise in BRICS nations, my guess is the G7 countries will be forced into getting their own financial ducks in a row and join BRICS to remain competitive with global trade. In fact, French President Macron wrote a surprise letter last summer to the BRICS expressing interest on joining their economic alliance, as they are moving to end their reliance on the USD for global trade. According to Nasdaq News & Insights June 2024, major emerging economies like Russia, Iran, China, and Saudi Arabia have been trading commodities in currencies such as the yuan, rubles, dirhams, riyal, and rupees (and other local currencies) and gradually away from the USD/petrodollar. This move is partly driven by the US sanctions and a desire to reduce dependency on the dollar.

Perhaps the most exciting news of all is that more of the population are turning inward for divine guidance amidst the chaos. Many people don't know who they can trust or how to make sense of the chaos they are witnessing, so they are seeking out a higher godly wisdom and knowledge that is divinely communicated to us via our intuition, gut feeling, conscience, or inner knowing. Our soul has access to all knowledge... we just have to tune in and trust it. How do we know what we are getting is true and accurate? It will feel light and right. It will resonate. We can know peace in a storm, love in the midst of upheaval and chaos.

My guess is a lot still has to go down in October before the November US election... and maybe more so after. That just means that a lot more has to be exposed yet. None of it is new... just new to us. Exposure must come, which it does whenever the light is turned on. We can either choose awareness, observe, and rejoice as an awakened soul as we watch Babylon fall, or we can choose slumber, and then get caught up in the chaos and despair as it lands in our lap. Brace yourselves. Trust yourself and your guidance. All will be well.


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